MANNA - Monoatomic Gold®
& other monoatomic Elements
Products with Monoatomic Elements in premium quality
Below you can find a survey of our different quality products with real Monoatomic elements:
[Due to todays legal position, which is based on a restricted scientific as well as materialistic world view, we have to point out the fact that any and all information contained on these sites is neither officially certified nor scientifically proven.
The information listed below comes from ancient texts about mystery or written records of Alchemy, partly from a scientific group of alchemists in modern times as well as manufacturers and our own experiences deriving from more than 15 yrs of testing.
We would like to point out that many statements on these sites from an official or scientific point of view are considered to be untrue or impossible.
We hereby certified the statements on these sites deriving from our own conviction and to be of our own best knowledge and intentions!]
Legal Advice (based on German law): Essences as well as means of energetic vacillation i.r. Art.2 VO(EG) Nr. 178/2002 are foods and according to classic, scientific measures have no directly proven effect on body or psyche. All statements are exclusively referring to energetic aspects of Aura, Meridians, Chakras etc.
Alchemically produced Monoatomic Elements:
MANNA Monoatomic GOLD® Elixier
Unique alchemic production from 99.9% Gold
It is the strongest and most effective Monoatomic Gold Product,
which we have found on the world market!
We recommend MANNA to support:
Gold is the central element in the repertoire of the monoatomic metals. It supports the strengthening of the soul consciousness in humans and the promotion of the harsher potentials and abilities in general. It is, so to speak, an all - rounder, which can revitalize all areas (primary: energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual, secondary: physical), resolves existing blockages, dissolves boundaries, brings more awareness, strengthens the inner center, promotes the consciousness of love, the manifestation power of the Thoughts strengthened, the perception expanded, materialism and close world images, self-knowledge, the 6th and 7th sense activated, the pineal gland optimized and much more
Strong activation of the brain, endocrine glands, heart and DNA potentials, the chakras and the meridian system and more.
Due to the alchemic production in connection with the fire element and additional activation by Cold Plasma, it contents a very high amount of Monoatomic Gold and has a strong dynamic effect.
Attention: This is not a weak Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract (e.g. from Dead See salt), but a real alchemic product, made from the pure metall, and additionally enhanced by cold plasma!
Real alchemic production made from 99.9% Gold (Au)
Content: 25% of alcohol with high potency 200 micro grams of Monoatomic Gold per daily dose in microcluster water (approx. 6.500 microgramms per bottle).
Recommended intake: 7 drops daily
(morning upon getting up OR evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
10ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 65.-
Order 5 bottles or more and you get 10% discount!!!
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Due to the high demand as well as the complexity and duration of the alchemical production unfortunately delivery delays occur again and again. Demand is increasing steadily, and our alchemist is doing his utmost to supply us with the necessary quantities, which are already extraordinarily high in view of the difficult and lengthy production. We ask for your understanding for the waiting times ...
For medical purposes: The Rejuvenation Formula is more than just a non-surgical facelift. It is indicated for low energy, fatigue, chronic fatigue, irritability and deuterium poisoning.
The formula and its components: Rejuvenation is one of the main goals of alchemical preparations. Our Rejuvenation Formula is carefully balanced to achieve this goal in a gentle and unobtrusive way. This formula is a compound of the alchemical gem elixirs of jade, germanite, stibnite, lapis lazuli, monazite and neptunite.
Our Rejuvenation Formula Gem elixir combination is designed to interact directly with the energy body and the astral body. The effect is immediate, as can be shown by the immediate change in brainwave patterns once the elixir has been taken.
Here you can find more information about it (so far only in german)
Content: 25% alcohol solution and the above composition
Recommended intake: 4 drops in the morning and 4 drops in the evening
(in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed,
shake first and best under the tongue and salivate something)
10ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 70, -
Only while stocks last!
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Order now
Technologically produced Monoatomic Elements:
COMBINATIONS of the different mono-elements are possible, whereby the respective effect of the individual elements can even be extended and intensified.
However, we recommend to test them individually (kinesiological, radiesthetics, etc.), so that the mixture is optimally attuned to your psycho-energetic state, and not more than 3-4 different combinations. As a result, you avoid too intensive processes or do not overwhelm yourself.
In this unique mixture of the 8 monoatomic elements of the platinum group, put together according to old recipe, the effects of the individual mono-elements increase and form higher synergies. TREE OF LIFE works for the purification, transmission and expansion of our consciousness tree or inner world tree, which we actually are as multidimensional beings of light. In the ancient traditions, it is described as rejuvenating, DNA-optimizing, curative, intelligence-enhancing, mind-expanding and enlightening.
The central support element is the gold, forming the multidimensional channel between heaven and earth, subconscious and superconscious, ego and soul. It potentiates the modes of action of the other elements and aligns them to the frequency of the mind-soul.
Silver is the superordinate principle, which intensifies the intuition, creates the emotional connection to the soul and, together with the gold element, harmonizes the most different polarities harmoniously.
Platinum opens the depth worlds, leads into the limiting and harmful ego identifications and confronts with the shadow areas and the negative qualities of the unconscious. In connection with the gold, an all-embracing transformation and increase of these negative qualities is initiated.
Palladium supports the first levels of awareness, examines the limiting attitudes, experiences, and patterns, and prepares the energetic and neurological systems for successful transformation processes.
Ruthenium and rhodium are refining companions that bring to the surface other ego patterns that distort or prevent our multi-dimensional mind-soul potential and awareness. These are in turn raised and transformed in conjunction with the gold. At the same time they expand the channels into the higher worlds of the mind and the soul.
Osmium leads into the details and 'corners' of the unconscious spaces, examines the readiness of our liberation process and supports the complete purification and clarification of the topics to be healed.
Iridium activates the dynamics of implementation in everyday life on earth, which ultimately enables us to naturally and self-evidently carry out the internal transformations and enlightenments.
In addition, all modes of action come into play, as described in the individual monoatomic elements of the platinum group!
Technological production of the 8 pure metals of the platinum group (99.999%)
Contents: 8 Monoatomic elements in double distilled water, according to old recipe in the optimal ratio matched:
Monoatomic Gold 55ppm, Monoatomic Silver 50ppm, Monoatomic Platinum 50ppm, Monoatomic Palladium 50ppm, Monoatomic Iridium 65ppm, Monoatomic Osmium 65ppm, Monoatomic Rhodium 60ppm and Monoatomic Ruthenium 65ppm
Recommended intake: 2x10 drops / day = approx. 1/4 pipette
(in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed, preferably under the tongue and salivate)
ATTENTION: If taken in the morning, due to the strong transformation effect it can lead to temporary disturbances of the normal everyday functionality and work achievement!
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
only EUR 149,-
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Order now
NEW: Monoatomic METEORITE (M)
A monoatomic element composite of the extraterrestrial class!
We recommend Mono-M to support:
Strengthening the human avatar (personality), strengthening the bone energy, more sincerity (physically and psychologically), improved resilience, increasing self-confidence, independence and sovereignty, increased assertiveness and steadfastness, awareness and release of repressed emotions, purification of dark energies (from space), expanded perception of our body as star dust and its stellar connections, increased electrical voltage at the cellular level, improved absorption of cosmic rays in the body, strengthening and expansion of the aura, improved energy flow in the spine / spinal cord / chakra channel, expansion of the cosmic memory and expansion of the cosmic presence, reverence for creation, homecoming in the father's house with the infinite dwellings, contact with the cosmic avatars and ascended masters, back connection to the primeval central sun, bridge between Alpha and Omeg a 'Knowing God in creation,' the miracle of life and creation '
Included elements: CU, FE, NI and C in an extraterrestrial network structure
Technological production made from Meteorite
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic gold
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up AND evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Delivery time: 2-3 days
Monoatomic GOLD (AU)
We recommend Mono-AU to support:
Gold is the central element in the repertoire of the monoatomic metals. It supports the strengthening of the soul consciousness in humans and the promotion of the harsher potentials and abilities in general. It is, so to speak, an all - rounder, which can revitalize all areas (primary: energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual, secondary: physical), resolves existing blockages, dissolves boundaries, brings more awareness, strengthens the inner center, promotes the consciousness of love, the manifestation power of the Thoughts strengthened, the perception expanded, materialism and close world images, self-knowledge, the 6th and 7th sense activated, the pineal gland optimized and much more
Strong activation of the brain, endocrine glands, heart and DNA potentials, the chakras and the meridian system and more.
Basically it has the same effect as alchemic Manna, however it is less strong and dynamic, as the amount of Monoatomic Gold is lower (comparably about 40%). In return you are getting about 3times the amount for the identical price. Great as a preliminary product in getting prepared for alchemic Manna, if you don't have any experience with Meditation, Energywork, spiritual work o.s..
Attention: This is not a weak Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract (e.g. from Dead See salt), but a real technical produced product, made from the pure metall (by Protonresonance)!
Technological production made from 99.9999% Gold (Au) - not the alchemic Manna!
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic gold
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up AND evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Delivery time: 2-3 days
Monoatomic SILVER (AG)
We recommend Mono-AG to support:
Improve bonding to female attributes; to lovingly heal and strengthen the female body with its inner femininity and to solve "womanly issues" (possibly in combination with Mono-Copper); harmonize the moon relation; support your inner trust; loving unification of the inner male & female poles; balancing poles of extremities; to invigorate the inner pole (male&female); activate the rhythmic exchange of opposite poles; improve communication; promote the feeling of resting within yourself; shifting levels of perception from material to information- and energy levels of life itself; support of the physical as well as energetic body; vitalization of physical cells; strengthen the self-healing processes and immune system and others.
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
Technological production made from 99.99% Silver (Ag)
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic silver
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Monoatomic BORON (B)
We recommend Mono-B to support:
Activation and cleaning of the pineal and pituitary gland as well as of 3. eye and crown chakra, expandation of awareness, improving of the connection between human being and spiritual soul as well as their energetic connection between brainglands and gonads (ovaries and testicles) and crown and root chakra, harmonization and strengthening of the chakra channel with its connection to all the endocrinal glands, stabilization of the channeling and telepathic sense (7th sense), improvement of the light transfer in the energetic and physical system, empowerment of the 'human tempel' for the 'godly soul essence', conscious communication with the 7 spiritual levels of earth, connection between mother earth and spiritual creator, anchoring of the spiritual energies in the physical cells, insight into the plan of creation, support of clarity and directness, access to the evolution knowledge within the cell structure (DNA), clearing up the path of life and transformation of astrays resp. detours of the Ego, thruthfulness, living in Gods closeness, nurturing the godly seed within, stabilization of the breeding ground for the development of the soul energy in daily life, update between Heaven and Earth, overcoming of separation and beeing marooned and insufficient grounding.Empowerment of the prefrontal cortex and his quality as the conductor of the brain (will, concentration, consciousness, learning, clarity, focussed working toward goals a.m.), harmonization of the different parts of the brain (neocortex, limbic brain, cerebellum, brain stem) and of their coordination (conscious, unconscious, instinct), synchronization of the brain hemispheres, harmonization of the endocrinal system.
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
Technological production made from 99.99% Boron (B)
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic boron
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Monoatomic CHROMATE (CR)
We recommend Mono-CR to support:
To become the human being you really want to be independent from society and/or peer pressure(s); relief from pressure(s) and emotional distress for the wish for change usually is a result of already existing pressure(s) and emotional distress; to realize inner as well as outer outer entanglements, reflect on projections and mirror images to realize connections between inner causes and their impact on the outside; holistic approach of problem solving and realization; promote responsibility four your Self; enhance awareness and clarity; restore mental and emotional equillibrium to find consonance between the self in its contemporaries; enhance satisfaction and happiness; improve forgiveness and reconciliation; let go of the addiction to criticize; improve speed and dynamics.
Regulation of of metabolism, liver, gall bladder, intestines and pancreas.
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
Technological production made from 99.9% Chromate (Cr)
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic Chromate
Recommended intake: 10drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Order now
Monoatomic COPPER (CU)
We recommend Mono-CU to support:
Strengthening of connection to Venus as well as inner and outer harmonies; promote the sense for beauty and love of your Self; activate artistic creativity; vitalization of the physical and emotional body; fortification of personality and raising forgiveness and acceptance of your Self; promotion of peace; dissolve the addiction to criticize and evaluate, rather shifting it to a higher level; activation of your instinct to play and marvel live with its wonders; support of ease; direct the inner view towards the sky; support resilience against electronic smog and cellular radiation; resolving womanly issues (see Mono-Silver) and others.
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
Technological production made from 99.9% Copper (Cu)
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic Copper
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Order now
Monoatomic IRON (FE)
We recommend Mono-FE to support:
Connection to Mars and its energy; raise of self esteem; basic activation - warming, grounding; invigoration of the male energy (like Mono- Copper for female); enhance male bonding; resolve manly issues, increase potency, handling and improving father son relations; betterment of assertiveness; resolve victim-offender issues; convert anger to constructive and creative energies; assertion of boundaries; adjust energy shortfall, fatigue and lack of motivation; people mistrusting their partner; "hard life"; "believe of nothing in life is for free"; " being caught in the struggle for live"; learn of ease; leave a live of suffering; realize and use of potential; to acknowledge ones needs.
Blood cleansing and flow, circulation disturbances, swelling and agglutination (med. embolism), improve blood circulation in all organs, heart and brain in particular; energetic activation of hemoglobin; refreshing of blood circulation.
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
Technological production made from 99.9% Iron (Fe)
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic Iron
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Order now
Monoatomic GERMANIUM (GE)
We recommend Mono-GE to support:
Energetically manifested shock experience(s); pain and negative experiences stored in tissue; cleansing and clarification of emotional areas; let go of sorrow, fears and sadness; ease and uplift of emotional life; let go of the past; live- and energetic-cell conditioning; rejuvenation; promote the joy of-, lust for- and ease of life; support of the nervous system and brain cells; strengthen & improve brain capacity; attention deficiency syndromes; depression, burn-out and others
Ideal to prepare for Monoatomic Gold!
Technological production made from 99.9% Germanium (Ge)
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic Germanium
Recommended intake: 10drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Order now
Monoatomisches IRIDIUM (IR)
We recommend Mono-IR to support:
Creates an inner shelter in which sorrows, fears and negative liabilities can subside, healing and integration of the 'Inner Child', is protecting against negative energies ("dark energies" in particular) and is a protective energy for all cells; more inner peace and calm, be in good spirit for the future or to solve current issues, to better recognize the essentials of life, to promote stoicism and let go of fears, more self confidence, improve mental activity, let go of heavy burden and self created drama, help to relax and release, reinvigorate a "system overload", help against melancholia, activation of the 1st and 2nd Chakra, improve contact to earth and the appreciation of life here on earth, reinforce the bond to mother earth, facilitate a solid basis for the growth and unfolding of your own potentials, support the completion of tasks and projects-especially in the final stages. "all is well and is going to be just fine"
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
Technological production made from 99.9% Iridium (Ir)
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic Iridium
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep;
best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Order now
Monoatomic MAGNESIUM (MG)
We recommend Mono-MG to support:
Brain activation and synchronization of brain hemispheres; support imagination and conception of the inner visual world; activation of the 3rd eye, promote the ability to see your Self and to reflect; increase of memory and concentration; decomposition of deposits and calcifications in the brain; help to prevent strokes; regulation of your physical eyes (deposits, opacity of lenses, eye pressure); strengthening of nervous system.
Information is spreading from the brain wavelike through the entire body, recommended in combination with Mono-Iron.
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
Technological production made from 99.9% Magnesium (MG)
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic Magnesium
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Monoatomic MANGANESE (MN)
We recommend Mono-MN to support:
A chronic state of displeasure conviction of "nothing in life is for free"; neglect of ease and negation thereof in life; assume and connection to void; support of silent meditation; promotion of peace of mind; activation of inner peace, calm and relaxation; advancement of the true Self; letting go of the past and old liabilities; harmonization of throat chakra (Sanskrit: Visuddha); fear issues; problems of communication and ability to communicate; balancing give & take; energize arms and hands; tension in neck, shoulder area and lower jaw; letting go of burden resting on your shoulders.
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
Technological production made from 99.9% Mangan (Mn)
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic Mangan
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep;
best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Order now
Monoatomic OSMIUM (OS)
We recommend Mono-OS to support:
Letting go of old beliefs and concepts about reality, of what is possible and what not, particularly when there's a lack of trust, dedication, you are not in peace with your Self; access to and ease of basic trust; to heal anger, grief, frustration and resignation based on unrealized potentials and visions; connect to the higher energies; stabilization of a field to create new things; intensify the force of creation; creation of a solid field for space & time which is ready to receive and hold future contents; creation of a multidimensionally compatible vacuum; support transition to the next era; receive superior wisdom, visions and potentials; support leaders of evolution; ease to realize new things and to raise awareness of the current reality; raise awareness to existence and importance of spiritual fields and creative forces; germination, rootage and growth of visionary seeds; link between mental power (Quantum field) and realities on earth; creation of a new Self (personality, human being, awareness-soul-self); activation of dormant chakras, brain, glands and areas of DNA.
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
Technological production made from 99.9% Osmium (Os)
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic Osmium
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Monoatomic PALLADIUM (PD)
We recommend Mono-PD to support:
Open your consciousness to recognize and accept gifts, future perspectives and possibilities; improve the ability to expand boundaries; expansion of a limited cause; creation of space, scope and optimism; gift of an optimistic outlook in the future, its possibilities, improve intuition and basic trust in life.
Dynamically improve the conduction of neural impulses of brain cells and synapses; reactivation of neural and synapse connections; enhance collaboration of brain hemispheres; (Anregung der Gehirnwindungen?!); activation of cerebellum; promote flow of blood and energy support of eyes and vision; improve motor skills, focus and memory; stroke.
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
Technological production made from 99.9% Palladium (Pd)
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic Palladium
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep;
best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Monoatomic PLATINUM (PT)
We recommend Mono-PT to support:
Connection of the two brain hemispheres; reduce ego, compulsion to judge, competitiveness; enable contact to the future Self; promote inner peace; stabilize inner equilibrium; improve the flow of subtle, cellular energies to activate circular flow of energies; cleansing of connections among ether bodies and improve their flow of energies and communication with another; intensify light in, and awareness of dark areas of our being (slowly but inevitably); strengthen our assertiveness and discipline; overcome obstacles and blockages; generation of a steady motivation to constantly move forward and to realize goals and visions; increase courage and focus; improve decision-making ability.
Optimize blood circulation and its density; improve blood flow and memory; strengthen heart issues and more.
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
Technological production made from 99.9% Platinum (Pt)
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic Platinum
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Monoatomic RHODIUM (RH)
We recommend Mono-RH to support:
Strengthening of the 3rd eye, activation of the 5 higher Chakras (8.-12. Chakra), spread the wings of your soul, promotion of phantasy and contact to higher worlds,
support channeling, connection to your soul-family, intensify the sense of freedom as a holy being and the connection to the holy spirit, connection to cosmic laughter, development of a survey, promotion of spiritual and Astral journeys, intensify dynamics to expand, connection to the powers of Jupiter, increase of scope & space, support travel in time (towards future), find solutions in complex and hopeless situations (there' s a solution for everything), to see the light at the end of the tunnel, support supposition of eternity, maintain a higher perception of life and letting go in cases of death and grief for loved ones, disembark material limits, overcome materialism and atheism, sense for success, achieve felicity, explore the house of god with its endless rooms.
"Beyond the clouds there's endless freedom!"
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
Technological production made from 99.9% Rhodium (Rh)
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic Rhodium
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Monoatomic RUTHENIUM (RU)
We recommend Mono-RU to support:
Strengthening of heart chakra and 3rd eye, speed up the speed of evolution, deal with pressure and stress, improve to realize potential of the brain, raise awareness about quantum plane, support prophecy, conscious creation of new realities, connection to superior timing cycles, access to the master plan of creation, improve to responsibly deal with higher powers (of creation), handling of magic wand, create a state of ease between heaven and earth, promote clairvoyance, activate the inner seer, improve access to the 7 cosmic rays.
"It is now accomplished!"
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
Technological production made from 99.9% Ruthenium (RU)
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic Ruthenium
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Monoatomic SILICIUM (SI)
We recommend Mono-Si to support:
Living your Self; stabilization of inner voice and intuition, head-centered persons in particular; arrange energy systems of the physical body according to the holy geometry and higher laws; augment ability to structure individual circumstances in live and acknowledgment of the higher order; improve stability and structure in life, increasing flexibility at the same time; letting go of locked opinions and advance mental flexibility; improve understanding of the higher geometry, cosmic laws and application thereof in day to day life.
Renewal of bone structure and spine in particular; create new crystal structures in body; boost fluids in cartilages and joints; maintain muscles, tendons and the locomotor system.
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
Technological production made from 99.9% Silicium (Si)
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic Silicium
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Monoatomic VANADIUM (V)
We recommend Mono-V to support:
Improvement of manifestation dynamics; Focusing thoughts, ideas, visions, dreams and spiritual seeds; Crystallization of the spiritual into matter; Clear to the point of many different inspirations; Basic support for clarity and targeting; Connecting heaven and earth, male and female, light and darkness; Realizing new life-ways, draws deep furrows like a plow into the reality structure to plant new seeds; Liberation from old realities, patterns, states and life situations. Is opened up like a funnel to condense the spiritual-soulful cornucopia down. Support for handling and steering the CHI energy, gentle and soft or hard and penetrating. Generation of an energetic equilibrium between the polarities, also in the physical body between the left and the right side of the body, or double organs such as the brain, lungs, kidneys, eyes, etc. "The sword of liberation and truth!"
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
Technological production made from 99.9% Vanadium (V)
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic Vanadium
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Monoatomic STANNOUS (SN)
We recommend Mono-Sn to support:
Strengthening of solar plexus and personality, lay off facades, more honesty and truthfulness, support inner courage to stand up for yourself, immediacy, straightforwardness and authenticity, improve assertiveness, more clarity pertaining the Self, raise CHI-focus and concentration on your own personal path of life to realize your own visions, strengthening of the healthy ego and its respective personality, improve self-assertion and confidence, no more lame compromises, more distinct conversations, development of a clear and solid voice, use of the power of word, utilize the sword of wisdom, use the hammer of Thor.
Increase clarity of eyes as the window to your soul, development of an upright position of your spine as well as attitude, letting go of addictions and other supplementary satisfactions.
"I know what i want and I'm living it - the journey is the reward!"
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
Technological production made from 99.9% Stannous (Sn)
Content: Distillewater with monoatomic Stannous
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Monoatomic ZINC (ZN)
We recommend Mono-Zinc to support:
Develop and support joy of life, self determination; people with almost clerical (religious) discipline of self, "closet issues" and concealed conflicts; electrify and invigorate physical as well as energetic cells and their links; intensify vitalization; raise joy of living and sense of ease, motivation to exercise and explore; lack of energy, lethargy and burn-out-syndrom; rescue from isolation and rejection of Self; discover ones position in life; clarification of relations to loved ones (relatives, friends, partner).
Confront and clarify negative energies in kidneys, invigoration thereof.
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
Technological production made from 99.9% Zinc (Zn)
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic Zinc
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Monoatomic ZIRCONIUM (ZR)
We recommend Mono- Zirconium to support:
Energize glands, Thymus gland in particular, activation of and adjusting respective Chakras; vitalization and invigoration; brightening up spirit; raise of vitality; rejuvenation; setting off to explore new grounds; reduction of fears and other negative sentiments; adapt physical, psychological and mental processes.
Strengthening of vision, relief of indigestion, irritation of intestines, improve sense of balance, fights feelings of dizziness.
Is like a ray of light divulging innumerable amounts of tiny crystals and glimmering particles of light in all sorts of colors, captures and spreads essences of light.
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
Technological production made from 99.9% Zirconium (Zi))
Content: Distilled water with monoatomic Zirconium
Recommended intake: 10 drops twice a day
(morning upon getting up and evening prior to going to sleep; best to insalivate below tongue)
30ml bottle
about 1 month supply
EUR 60,- Now reduced for only EUR 50,-
100ml bottle
about 3-4 months supply
EUR 159,- Now reduced for only EUR 129,- (including 20% quantity discount)
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Testkit with all 20 Mono-Elements
Testing - Kit in a blue leather case with all 20 existing technologically produced Mono-Elements in 2ml-testing-tubes for use in Kineosiology, radish sensitivity, intuitive testing or others - ideal for therapists, dealers and for private use.
Technological production
Content: Double distilled water and 20 Monoatomic Elements
Attention: This is not an Ormus product, which is only a nature abstract, but a real technological product, made from the pure metall!
EUR 59,95
Ready for shipment within 2 - 3 days
Order now
Mixing of individual Mono-Elements is possible where individual effects could possibly even intensify or be augmented.
However we recommend to first start with individual testing (kinesiological, actinomorphic or others) in order to customize mixing according to your individual psycho-energetic condition. This way you can avoid energetic imbalance(s) and/or exhaustion.
Requests of retailers, agents and therapists are welcome!
NOTE: We explicitly point out the above quoted statements are of no scientific proof (yet). In no way they are of any curative promise. Monoatomic elements are no cures in the sense of school medicine. Instead they are natural food supplements which in small traces occur in nature (i.e. volcanic ashes or sun ripened fruits & vegetables grown on fertile grounds). Our body needs monoatomic elements as well as micro elements (trace elements) in a colloidal state.
Whenever produced in an alchemic or technological way their effects increase significantly or even improve potentially.
Using complex production processes our monoatomic products are made of the individual metallic elements. They are neither extracted nor distilled from natural agents such as Ormus or other offered products. According to our researches our products are the only ones which are no distilled extracts coming from natural products (such as vulcanic sand, sea water a.o.) but are transmuted from the real metals.
In the unique process of alchemic production an Alchemist is present who, using his power of spirit is assisting the transmutation of real Gold to Monoatomic Gold. This very delicate, difficult multi step process is taking an extended period of time and is potentially dangerous to body and soul of the Alchemist. However the result is a highly potent, extremely vivid Monoatomic Gold which has a profound effect. Our Manna - Monoatomic Gold Elixir from Alchemia Nova is worldwide the only alchemically authentic fabricated product.
The technological production on the other side is using the latest technological equipment specifically designed for this kind of production. The individual elements as well, using a multi step process are derived from a pure metallic state of matter (99,9%) getting transformed to and stabilized in a monoatomic aggregate state, however with no human consciousness involved. The result too is very good but not as strong of monoatomic products. For this reason one needs higher dosages (approx. double).
We would like to point out the fact, for the first time in (known) history of civilization it is possible for inclined individuals to freely choose from and consume such a choice of monoatomic elements at relatively low cost. You should use this unique support of monoatomic elements to backup your body, spirit and soul.
We recommend individual testing for each customer in order to find out which mono- element is the right one at a given point in time. Test it yourself if possible or have it tested actinomorphic, using a pendulum, Kinesiology, one handed rood, intuitively via channeling or others.
Advice for your Safety:
Please make sure of the fact if you intend to consume other (so called) Monoatomic Gold-Products that they are made of true metallic gold in either a technological or alchemistic way.
We would like to advise you, according to our researches, aside from AlchemiaNovaor Nature2Nature, all other products on the market are inferior extractions of natural substrates and are significantly less effective or even harmful.
We tested alleged Monoatomic Gold Products worldwide (Ormus, ZPTech, Arjuna, Atlantis, Golden Elixier, Alchemy, Deepak Gunia, Ascension Alchemy, El Grial, Gold Ash Powder, St. Germain Elixier, White Powder Gold and more) and could only find these two manufacturers to meet our standards of quality.
Ormus for instance is a milky fluid and is generally described to be and promoted as Monoatomic Gold. However, it is a condensate derived from natural products (such as ocean water, spring water, vulcanic sand/ashes etc.), containing only a few monoatomic elements, if any at all. Mostly it is home made and never gets tested for quality. Therefore the consumption of Ormus and other products of low quality is not recommended.
Further information about Monoatomic Elements
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