Christine Strübin
Originator of Cantor Holistic Touch
„Already as a child I had the natural ability to be a medium and a clairvoyant which seemed to be normal for me. I always represented the truth and fought against the lies and the sanctimony of the grown-ups. After a respectively turbulent youth and intensive experiences with the civilized illusory world of our society I started the search for my true calling and life.
After working as an astrologer (after Döbereiner) for many years, in 1983 I finally experienced my first contact with <Vywamus> and other teachers of the spiritual hierarchy.
In the first two years they, especially <Vywamus> and <Djwahl Khul>,
prepared me intensively for my tasks and trained me individually. In numerous counts of „out-of-the-body“ journeys I learned the connection between mind and matter and the laws of life and of manifestation. Besides all this, I had to solve and heal dozens of my past lives and their consequences.
In 1984, I suddenly became clearvoyant, thanks to which I am able to see the ethereal worlds. Also with my clients or the seminar participants I sense physical problems as well as blockades in the chakras and ethereal bodies but also their unconscious potential and abilities.
Since 1984 I am working successfully as a healer, medium and seminar manager all over the German-speaking area and since 1997 internationally.
During this time CANTOR, the healer of the spiritual hierarchy, began to transmit and to teach me his technique „Cantor Holistic Touch®“. With this healing method I was able to help many people in difficult situations. Some patients were released from the conventional treatments because there was nothing else for them to be done. In 1992 I began to train CHT-Practitioners and in 2008 Cantor finally gave his permission for the training of CHT-Coaches.
In 1998 we met a very special being: The enchanting Blueberry Forest which we were already looking for for four years. The completion of this vision released another step in my life. I have always sheltered animals but here in this unique paradise we finally had the space and the shelter for our many animal children. For more than 10 years we have been living in this power place and are far away from completing, nursing and embellishing it. It is our ambition to bring our spiritual vision to reality as with everything in my life.
One year earlier, in 1997, we were being surprisingly found by the dolphins in Mexiko and since that year we organize and manage healing dolphin travels to the Dead Sea as well as mystic Mexiko-Maya-travels and in 2002 we started to do spiritual Egypt travels.
Because of my medial abilities I can also ask questions (problems or life coaching etc.) to the spiritual world or give answers from an all-embracing point of view. In doing so I am predominantly working together with <Vywamus>.
Today, after 25 years, I hear and see what people think, I sense what they feel, I am aware of their fears and pain but also their dreams and their potential. Often I simply know what comes up to somebody and what has to be done next in their lives. People are an open book to me and I support them to see their lives in a more conscious way and to live their true potential!“
Numerous books, reports and TV appearances:
1988 Tuesday-Club DRS1
1989 Sunday-Magazine & Tuesday-Club DRS1
1990- Publishment of 5 books altogether
1997 Schreinemakers Live, SAT
1998 OTV (Oberpfalz-TV) & TV-München
1999 Ilona Christen, RTL
2000 TVA (TV-Regensburg)
2001 Vera am Mittag, SAT
2008 Biography "Inbetween-Worlds"
and more...